Beauty crafted in the dark chambers of the heart

Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Through Instagram

Hello! As I've seen this post on multiple blogs, I thought I'd be fun to do it myself. I've colected a picture from every month of 2014. These pictures are all available on my instagram account. I'll also speak a bit about each month and what relevant things happened in it. Hope you'll like it!

Early 2014 was in general quite weird, honestly. I don't remember much of what happened in JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, and APRIL besides me being really tired and overwhelmed with school. Anything wasn't going as expected and as usual, I was putting a lot of pressure onto myself, which made junior year quite complicated. Those months had really positive things going on too, but the general picture is more of a sad one.
The final moments of school madness for junior year were in MAY and JUNE. With some the most important exams coming up, me and my classmates usually gathered at my house to study.
When I was done with my exams, my parents and grandparents decided to go to Algarve. I was there in late JULY and looking back, it was a quite fun vacation. During this month I went to the beach in my hometown a lot (more than I usually would anyway), to hang out with my friends.
AUGUST brought one of the best moments of the year. Vagos Open Air was a wonderful experience. Both me and Anna (also Rita, who's in the left of the picture) met Epica and had lots of fun at the festival.
Flowers Of Doom was born in SEPTEMBER so it was a very special month. It was also the begginning of senior year, which so far is going well.
The last quarter of 2014 was fun. In OCTOBER school work included visits to my city's contemporary art museum and that made things much more enjoyable. NOVEMBER was marked by my 17th birthday (the picture for this month was taken by a friend during my birthday dinner) and my second time seeing Epica. Finally, DECEMBER was boring and tiresome at times, but it gave me time to think and recharge my energy for 2015.

I hope you enjoyed my quick overview of last year. I wish you a great new year, may the worst moments of 2014 be the best ones this year!


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